MP Elektronik based in Czech Republic is the best place to look when looking for a high quality dry cabinet at an affordable price. All our cabinets are rigidly constructed and of an extremely high quality build standard from the highest quality materials available.
Top features of these cabinet are very low relatively humidity with accurate measurement, short drying time due high drying temperature up to 60 or even 70 dergees, low energy consumption and ESD safety. All cabionet are manufactured according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD 033C and IPCS-1601 standards.
Dry Cabinet ST series is designed to MSD components which needs to be dryed rapidly for the production. Cabinets reaches low relative huminity and it is controlled with accurate Rotronic sensors.
Depending from the cabinet model, space can be devide to 1, 2 or even 4 termally and huminity separate cabinets with its own control unit. Heating up to 60 or even 70 degrees can shortten the drying time significantly.
Cabinet size are: 260, 550 and 1010 litres.
DRY Cabinet LT series is for MSD components which can be dryed or storaged for longer perior. LT-series reaches the same low relatively humidity as ST-series, but it can be puuchases without heating unit. Maximum temperature for LT-series stogare is 40 degrees.
Depending from the cabinet model, space can be devide to 1, 2 or even 4 termally and huminity separate cabinets with its own control unit. Heating up to 40 degrees can shortten the drying time.
Cabinet sizes are: 315, 690 and 1385 litres.