EKVAL OY maintenance Services
From the beginning of EKVAL OY, we have always have our own service organization to support our customers. We can supply training, process and maintanance services to our customers.
Maintenance and spare part Support
Maintenance and spare part support are vital part of process and its reliable running trough its life time. Recular maintenance keep the systems up to the standards they are built and purchase for. It is also cost effctive to keep machines well maintaned during their life cycle.
Service Contracts
With EKVAL Service contract you can move your maintenance and service to our tasks. This will release your personnel to their to the job where their know-how is most needed. Content of the contract is talor to fit customers needs. Mahcine maintenance is planned according the production. Also the timing can be planned that there is as little as possible interuption for the productuon flow. Cost can be also planned ahead.
Process Support Services
With our experience and know-how we offer also process support services to our customer for different processes in electronic production. We can also use our co-operatives experts to the most challenging tasks. With our process support services customer has also access to the measuring devices and other equipment that they don't have at the moment.
Calibration Service
We also provice calibration service to the measuring equipment we supply. Such as temperature profilers, solder tip temperature measure devices and UV meters.
Our services are available in Finland and Estonia. Do not hesitate to contact us. info@ekval.fi